Written by: Regina Mora and Kathleen Ferrer
During the course of writing this paper, we have realized that Lord of the Flies is such a boring book, despite the numerous awards it has received. Animal Farm is not much of a page-turner either. However, because of the very valid and interesting symbolisms in both books, we would still like for the authors to put their ideas into writing. With that said, we strongly suggest Golding and Orwell to write really nice and substantially long essays stating their thoughts. This will avoid confusion when interpreting the story and save valuable time for junior highschool students who plan to use their literature as study materials.
We would also like to question the need for a literary analysis in our lives as adults. Aside from a career in education, we see no legitimate use for such time-wasting papers. We would now like to require the reader to write his or her thoughts on the importance of a paper like this in no less than eight pages, just to see if he or she can find the importance of such a waste. Also, we require notecards and bibliocards to be made, citing sources. If these sources are his or her own thoughts, we would like for the part of the brain responsible for the thought to be written down in the biblio card. We will take a CT scan after the passing of this paper to see if he or she is telling the truth. Otherwise, we will issue a very scary-looking piece of paper recognizing his or her plagiarism.
Everything is to be submitted no less than a week after reading the said paper. Each page and notecard must be framed. If the reader fails to comply, he/she will be given a 30% deduction for not following instructions. Also, attached should be the payment for the CT scans. Otherwise, we will assume the thoughts of the author false and fallacious.
A bag or a very sturdy sack should also be provided for the framed notecards and bibliocards unless the reader insists on carrying these things themselves. We will also be requiring a late fee and checking fee, if the reader submits late or is very unpleasant and we deeply feel that checking his or her paper would just be a waste of time because he or she is a stupidhead. Please refrain from being a stupidhead.
We do not feel the need to end this paper with a restatement of our thesis statement because it is capitalized and centered on the top part of the cover page of this paper. The reader could easily flip back to the said page if ever he/she has failed to remember it. If, however, the reader is incapable of reading or blind, then he/she should stop trying to understand this paper and do something productive with their handicapped lives. This applies to the other details of the paper.
P.S. That first sentence: GOLD.