Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mary Mary Magdalene

Mary Mary Magdalene
The one who came first was never my queen
Though she be in love with me
I love you

Very merry Magdalene
Please quench my thirst with a sip of you
Your lips taste like morning dew
I love you

You shine like a star
Oh, so bright but oh, so far
May your light never leave my view
Come to me and I'll run to you
Mary Mary Magdalene

I don't know if this is supposed to be Beatle's cryptic or Broadway-ish but there it is - my first song since tired rant. Made it in a few minutes, so it's not even arranged yet. Now all I need is to master an instrument so I can finally turn this into a song.


P.S. In case you're wondering: No, the lyrics means nothing. Okay, subconsciously they might mean something but I was probably just trying to rhyme. I swear I don't know any "Mary Mary Magdalene".

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